Most articles and books you come across nowadays will tell you how to make it all work for your business, or how to manage your success. Very few of them actually talk about the possibility of it all going wrong. Think about it! You put in all that planning, conduct your feasibility studies, employ accountants to help you be frugal with your income, but everything just goes wrong. If everything goes wrong, do not panic. Because we've got some good news!
Most articles and books you come across nowadays will tell you how to make it all work for your business, or how to manage your success. Very few of them actually talk about the possibility of it all going wrong. Think about it! You put in all that planning, conduct your feasibility studies, employ accountants to help you be frugal with your income, but everything just goes wrong. If everything goes wrong, do not panic. Because we've got some good news!
Important Steps You Can Take
Identify The Problem
The main thing to do in a situation like this is to identify ‘why’. Knowing why it all went wrong is the quickest way to getting out of the rump your business is facing. You must've made a couple of poor choices for your business, which may have led to the problems you are currently facing. If the business owner is unable to identify the problem, a Subject Matter Expert must be set up to clearly identify the problems. Doing this will not only help your business to get out of the problem, but it will prevent it from occurring all over again.
Identify Faults, But Don’t Apportion Blame
Your team was put together because there is an innate talent that each team member has. When a business owner assembles a team, they do so thinking that each member they selected is the best at what he or she does. Unless under dire circumstances, most business owners would not go into business with people who are not capable of sustaining the business. When your business encounters a massive loss, it is very important for you to clearly identify the faults of the parties involved, and then move on. When each member or department identifies what he or she could have done better, it is very important to move on. Your entire company should make a conscious effort to do better and move on past the error.
Consult Outside Help If Needed
Even if you feel every single thing has been done to perfection, and you cannot seem to identify the problem, considering outside help can sometimes be one of the best decisions to take. Professionals that don't work in your company may be in a better position to assess and dissect the issue at hand. Look around you, talk to competitors, look at what they're doing that you aren't. This may just be what your business needs.
Don’t Work Hard, Work Smart
There is always the possibility that things went wrong simply because everyone was working too hard. Yes! Working too hard can eliminate the creativity in people and can make your business to start encountering losses. Sometimes you just need to take it easy and make friends with your employees. Nobody likes working under unnecessary stress all the time. Gaining the trust of other people, especially people working with you, will ultimately go a long way. You may not need to work hard to get out of the turmoil that your business is experiencing. Working smart can help you identify the problem and fix it.
Understand The Possibility Of The Problem Occurring Again
The fact that you have identified the problem and fixed it, does not mean that it can never occur again. As a business owner, you must be smart, proactive, and plot a course that ensures that your business would never have to go through the same thing again. The businesses that excel in the world today are the ones that are able to learn from their mistakes. A business must also be able to learn from the mistakes of its competitors. You don’t have to wait until you encounter the failures yourself before you learn from them.
Here's a famous quote by Otto von Bismarck
“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.”
And Finally...Focus And Stay Determined!
Just like they say it, "no pain, no gain". Although it will take some time to see results especially if you've just started out, but if you stay focused and determined, you WILL get there. Your goal is to not lose patience.
Following the above steps will help your business get back on track. The world of business is a dynamic and constantly evolving one. It is therefore very possible to encounter problems everyday. Encountering failure does not mean that you're not cut out for business or that the company will still not be a success. It is all part of the pains of growing.
Jess Wolodkowicz
Tradeshow Strategist | Account Manager
Phone: +61 (02) 8093 3806
Mobile: 0417 468 487