Wednesday, July 20, 2016

5 Things To Look For In An Event Organizing Company Before Hiring Them

Every entrepreneur knows that an event is much more than just inviting people over to wine and dine with you. It is a potential opportunity to sell your brand and products. Your choice of an event organizing company can determine whether or not your event is going to be a success. There are a number of things to look out for when you want to hire an event organizing company. If any of these things are missing, it could spell doom for your company.

An event that is pulled off properly means that you have the opportunity to suggest new brands to your consumers and you have created a lasting impression in the minds of your clients. This should be taken with even more seriousness if this is the first event you are organizing. If this is your first event, you will need to pull out all the stops to ensure that everything goes according to plan. The slightest flaw at an event can make your efforts go to waste.

There are a lot of things that your company stands to gain from holding events. These include:

Creating effective brand recognition - This is a trick that has been understood by top entrepreneurs around the world. Events are a great way to build the recognition around your brand. At a particular music concert, I realized something that can be attributed to events. Most music stars have what they call ‘hype men’, that help to get the crowd anticipating and revved up before they get on stage. It then made me realize that an event is the same thing for a company. It helps to draw attention to your company or brand before you are able to fully explain the benefits of your product. Consumers are very unique, and the manner of approach matters when convincing a consumer to make a purchase. You can’t just start going off about what your product can do. Consumers need to be courted first.

Events also give you the opportunity to make face-to-face connections with your consumers - Every successful businessman understands the relevance of a face-to-face relationship with consumers. This creates a relationship that is very hard to replicate by competitors. It also builds a certain form of loyalty within consumers because they feel like they are part of the brand already.

Events also help businesses to raise revenue for the ideas they are trying to execute - If you are trying to generate revenue for your new business idea, and investors do not seem forthcoming, an effective way to raise revenue is by throwing an event. There is just something about events that puts people on the spot and makes them even more willing to give. Court your investors by throwing a proper event; raise the bar by displaying things that are one of a kind. Afterwards, make calls for investments, and you will see how the money trickles in.

With these benefits, every company should be looking at holding a business event. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. There are some things that can either make your event a success or a failure. One of the most important things is getting an event organizer. Your event organizer needs to have specific traits and qualities, which enable them to effectively host a great event. Lets take a look at some of the things to look out for when selecting an event organizing company.

All Round Experience

This is the quickest way to determine whether or not an event organizing company is the right fit for your business. When selecting an event organizing company, it is very important to request a portfolio so that you can see how much experience the company has. If a company is not very experienced, it makes it harder for them to deal with problems that can come up while on the job. Business events throw all kinds of problems at you, and if your event organizer does not have the necessary experience in dealing with these problems, your event can be a disaster. This is the general rule in doing business. Even when organizing trade shows and exhibits, you need to hire a company that has experience in throwing such events in order to avoid disaster.


How qualified is your event organizing company? Qualifications go a long way in determining whether or not a company will be able to handle your event. There are a lot of courses in event management these days. In fact, a lot of people go to college just to study event management. If an event organizing company comes to you for the job, you must request to see a valid form of qualification. If you need a doctor, you will require the services of someone that read medicine right? So then why should your event be treated with less importance?


A lot of companies create fake testimonials these days, but it is still important to ask. Asking an event organizing company for a testimonial can throw them off balance because a lot of people do not usually ask for this. If a company has been doing good work, then there should be some people that are talking about it. Do some personal research on the computer to find out what people are saying about the company before hiring them.


Every top event organizing company keeps pictures and videos of events they have organized in the past. In fact, it is a thing of pride for them. If the company you are about to work with does not seem to have any form of evidence of their work, you shouldn’t work with them.

Good Vibes

Yes, I know you are wondering why this is here. With a lot of things in business, you need to go with your gut. If you are not getting a good vibe about a particular company, don’t work with them. If you go against your gut feeling, you will regret the decision later.
These things are the most essential aspects to look out for when hiring an event organizing company.

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Jess Wolodkowicz

Exhibition Planner | Account Manager

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Phone: +61 (02) 8093 3806

6 Ways To Make New Friends In Australia…For Business ;)

Australia is a fantastic place to do business. With the economy currently doing better than ever, working in Australia has a lot of benefits. In business, you are only as strong as the partnerships and relationships you are able to forge. This means that the entrepreneurs who have a penchant for being social tend to do a lot better than those that are reserved. Like any other country on the planet, making friends in Australia takes a unique set of strategies. Aussies are nice to be around and incredibly fun to work with (mostly because we don’t mind having a drink or two while on the job). While we Aussies may have our down sides, there are a lot of positives to doing business with an Australian.

At any business function, whether it is a trade show, exhibit, symposium or any other business related event, the top entrepreneurs are always looking out for how to make friends with people. This is because the number of friendships you are able to make in business ultimately determines the number of partnerships you would have. This is very important because partnerships are everything when it comes to business.

In the past, there have been countless situations at work where my friendship with one businessman or the other has saved me having to spend thousands of dollars. I’m not saying that you should expect freebies from people just because you have made friends with them, but ultimately there are a number of benefits that can be gained. Aussies can be extremely loyal and efficient whilst on the job, making it easier for you to work with them.

If you want to make a friend or two in Australia (for business of course), stick around!

Visit A Pub

There is no exact way for me to make this not read like it does right now, so I would just go on to explain myself. We Aussies like our drinks. This means that if you want to make a new friend in Australia, the best place for you to go to is a classy pub. Australians like to watch sports on the weekends and curse at the television, so if this is your scene, you would fit right in. When you get talking with people...READ MORE

Jess Wolodkowicz

Exhibition Planner | Account Manager

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Phone: +61 (02) 8093 3806

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

4 Key Marketing Strategies To Use Apart From Just Advertising

Sustaining a business, brand or product takes a lot more than just advertising these days. You will discover that some companies spend millions of dollars on advertising campaigns, and they still do not generate the desired response from consumers. This then makes you wonder what is missing? If these companies can afford to spend millions on advertising and still fall way off the mark, what hope does your startup or small business have when it comes to capturing your share of the market? Another confusing aspect is how some businesses seem to dominate the market despite the little advertising they seem to do? This then makes you wonder what in fact is missing, and what are they doing that helps them so effectively take over the market. Well I’d tell you a hard truth. Business and marketing is not just about advertising.

While advertising is very effective, there are some key components, which if missing from your marketing strategy, can render your whole campaign null and void. In this article, I will be going over 4 key things you need to do apart from just using the traditional methods of advertising. If you have been scratching your head in the office thinking about how to dominate the market when your competitors are more financially buoyant than you, then your attention must be here. I will share with you what I’ve learnt on how you can dominate the market like never before, and using the little resources that your company has, edge out the competition.

Create An Insanely Good Product

Some products have the ability to sell themselves. If you can manage to create a product or service that is so insanely good, you do not need to spend so much on advertising. Consumers will literally be banging on your door in order to get your product. Think about it. Water does not need any form of advertising, yet people crave it like no other item. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying you should go into the water business. However, your next business strategy should be able to come up with a product that is so mind-numbingly amazing that people simply cannot do without.

By now your mind must be racing, and everything must seem to fall into place. Think about that amazing confectionery shop on the corner of your street that needs no form of advertising. They get the crowd in there simply because their product is amazing. When I was still a student, there was this amazing popcorn stand in the mall right next to my college. There was just something insanely amazing about their popcorn, and for some reason, nobody could get enough of it. In no time it became the rave of the school, and every single person wanted to buy some on the way out. If your business can manage to create a product that is too amazing for people to resist, the job is already 70% done.

Position Yourself

This is the part where you go in for the kill. You’ve created a great product, you know and can feel it in your gut that the product is simply amazing, so what’s next? You must learn to position yourself wisely if you want to take over the market without spending fortunes on advertising. The essence of business is networking and positioning. Top entrepreneurs around the world will tell you that it really isn’t about the work you put in, but it’s about where you take the work to. Take advantage of platforms like trade shows and exhibits. This is an excellent avenue for you to market your product and company. Make new friends, these influential links can transform your business and give you opportunities like never before.

Get Feedback From Your Customers

This is something that a lot of big companies take for granted, and it is exactly how your company can dominate the market. Consumers like to be asked about how a service was rendered to them. Even if nothing is done about it, they just want to feel like someone is listening. I’m not saying your company should send out those annoying follow up emails that everybody hates. Simply ask your customers subtly about how their last purchase was. Ask if there are ways they feel you can improve and make the necessary improvements. This not only gives you the edge in terms of improving your product, but will also create a bond that very few businesses have with their customers.

Be Resourceful

You don’t need a million dollar advertising budget to reach out to your customers. Use what you have. Trust me, the big companies wish they can be as scrappy as you. Take advantage of social media, word of mouth publicity, visually appealing banners, networking and lots more.

These things will propel your business or product to the top without much need for advertising. Learn to invest in the things that matter. Your resourcefulness is ultimately what will give you market dominance.

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Jess Wolodkowicz

Exhibition Planner | Account Manager

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Phone: +61 (02) 8093 3806

6 Clear Signs That Your New Business Idea Is a “FAIL”

So you have a fantastic new business idea that will change the world. It seems like a certainty in your mind. You are ready to go, and put in everything possible to give it your best shot. However, results come in and you are not making half as much as you thought you would. So where did it all go wrong?

Business these days takes a lot more than just coming up with an idea. A lot of times, entrepreneurs get ideas for products or services that they feel will completely revolutionize the market. The truth is, quite often, there are similar products in the market that are already doing what your product promises to do, and probably even does it better. Another terrifying truth is that, the idea may have been tried and failed for a large number of reasons that you failed to put into consideration.

When going into business, it is very important to observe market trends before investing heavily in your new business idea. There may be some hidden flaws in your idea that you may have ignored because of your enthusiasm over your idea. It is very important to conduct the necessary feasibility studies and competitive analysis in order to ensure that your investment will be a viable one. There are some clear signs that your business idea is going to be a complete fail. I will be taking you through some of the telling signs that you should not invest in that new idea.

Your Motive

The biggest sign your new business idea is a complete fail is when you can’t stop analyzing how much you stand to make. This means that you are most likely only in it for the money. Now don’t get me wrong; money is a very good motive for doing business. In fact, it can be a very good reason for going into business. However, the dangerous aspect of money being the motive behind an idea is that money has a way of clouding your mind and judgment. The thought of money makes it very easy to overlook obvious flaws in a plan. When you have a new business idea, you must take time out to think and question your motive for going into business. When you have effectively done this, it becomes a little bit safer to go into business.

Seeming Like A Goldmine

There is nothing wrong with your plan being a foolproof goldmine. Sometimes, people’s ideas are literally goldmines waiting to be exploited. However, if something seems to good to be true, then it probably is. You should take some time out to properly evaluate the business idea and check out why it seems to be such a certainty. You can also employ the help of a professional to conduct a feasibility study to ensure that your investment is not going down the drain. It can be very heartbreaking to invest heavily in a business idea and see the flaws of the plan unravel before your very eyes.

Nobody Is Doing It:

Think about it! If nobody is doing it, then there must be something wrong with the idea. Of course, there are new ideas every day that no one has thought about, but you must take extra care to figure out why nobody is doing it. It is important to conduct a proper competitive analysis to figure out what your possible competition is, and if need be, why you do not have any competitors. This is usually the quickest way to identify whether or not a plan is going to be a fail. If you do not seem to have any competitors, there just may be something wrong with the idea.


The greatest minds doubt themselves. However, if you just can’t shake the feeling of doubt surrounding you, it just may be a sign that your new business idea is a fail. It is good to follow your gut when doing business (after properly calculating the possibilities of failure). If despite all the numbers are showing you, there is still the unshakable feeling that it will fail, maybe you should take some time out to re-evaluate.

You Don’t Really Know The Basics

The richest entrepreneurs around the globe have one thing in common; they don’t ever go into business without knowing the rudimentary aspects of the job. Don’t ever put your finances into an idea you don’t really understand. If you do this, you will begin to see the flaws of the business unravel with every step of your idea.

Hmmns And Aaahs

When you are speaking about your groundbreaking idea, listen out for the ‘hmmmns’ and ‘aaahhs’. Often times, friends and family are too concerned about our emotions to actually tell us the truth about business. Listen closely for people’s opinions. If they don’t seem to have any opinions, good or bad, then maybe you should rethink the idea.

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Jess Wolodkowicz

Exhibition Planner | Account Manager

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Phone: +61 (02) 8093 3806

4 Things Technology Can Never Replace

There are some human aspects of business that technology can only try to mimic but can never replace. These things are what gives your business an edge and will set you apart from the competition. The tech geniuses and multi-million dollar companies that are able to afford machines do half of the work they have, still understand and admit to the fact that technology cannot replace some things when it comes to doing business. People that think technology is here to replace the human aspect of business have got it horribly wrong.

Technology is here to do one thing and one thing only, that is to simplify the way we do business. It merely exists to be used as a tool. If you are building your own startup today, try as much as possible to not allow your business be as dependent on technology as most failing businesses do. This is because there are some things that technology can simply never replace. Yes technology helps you accomplish tasks faster, but that does not mean in anyway that it can replace some essentials of business. Creating a product that can relate with your customers is daunting enough, and is a lot different from creating something that relates with machines. I will be going over 4 essentials of business that technology can never ever replace. Stick around!

Technology Brings Faster, But Faster Isn’t Wiser

There is a reason why software developers have struggled for years on end to create something technology based that is similar to the human mind. Work on artificial intelligence has been on for years and has continued to baffle even the greatest of minds. Yes, adopting technology for your business will make your business faster, but that doesn’t necessarily mean wiser. There is one ability that humans have, and that is to think outside the box. A computer can only create solutions based on the information that it has been fed. Other than that, the computer system is completely redundant. A computer software cannot help you think of a new product that will help you capture the market. Technology can only help you point out strategies that aren’t working, but it cannot help you come up with new ones. This is the difference between computers and the human intellect.


You’ve heard everyone talk about this and you’ve seen it in practically every magazine. If you don’t have passion, or you are not passionate about your business then you simply cannot survive. Passion is what gives you that extra drive, that almost maniacal dream of wanting to go on even after everyone has told you that you cannot succeed. Most successful businessmen around the world all believe that they are truly capable of changing the world. If you do not believe that your dream or company is big enough to be world dominating, then you cannot survive. In Australia, there can potentially be a million and one problems you can face when doing business, especially when you're running a startup. If you do not have passion, your business will easily fizzle out.

Values and Ethics

No matter how efficient a product is, or a service rendered, technology can simply never replace the human attribute, that is, values. Values are everything, and this is what makes you able to relate with your customers. Customers want a company that doesn’t seem like it is just out to make a quick buck. Looking out for the interests of your customers is very essential when it comes to doing business. Incorporating values and ethics into your product will give you something that no amount of speed and product efficiency can; this is loyalty. Consumers display loyalty for those brands that seem to have their interests at heart. If your business has strong ethics and values, this will have a strong imprint on the quality of products you render. Implying that your company can take advantage of the loyalty to come.


This is the driver of businesses today. Businesses that are able to innovate and create are the ones that ultimately survive. A computer cannot think up something new, it can only work based on information that it has been given. This is something that technology cannot replace.

These things cannot be replaced by technology. Incorporating them into your business will see you dominating your market for years to come. Work on them, and watch them transform your business.

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Jess Wolodkowicz

Tradeshow Strategist | Account Manager

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Phone: +61 (02) 8093 3806

Monday, July 18, 2016

5 Clear Signs That It Is Time to Be Your Own Boss

Not everyone has the spirit of entrepreneurship. Some of us are incredibly comfortable with working under someone else for the rest of their lives. While there's nothing wrong with working under someone, this can also be due to a number of reasons like fear of the unknown, and sometimes the inability to take the leap of faith. However, if you do have the spirit of entrepreneurship, it is very likely that you’ve been having dreams of owning your business. There is a certain discomfort that comes after working under an organization for a very long period. You will start to imagine doing things your way, according to your own terms. Nobody likes having orders barked at him or her from a superior for a number of years. Sometimes, you just need to dive into the waters even though you do not know what it may hold.

Being your own boss is the most amazing thing possible. Even though it comes with its own set of challenges and a lot of responsibilities, there are a lot of benefits of owning your business. One of these advantages is the fact that you get to make decisions for yourself and work on your own terms. You also get to think outside the box, and manipulate your business ideas with the freedom that you wouldn’t get when you are working under someone. Lets take a look at some clear signs that it is time to be your own boss.

You Can’t Stop Getting Ideas

This is one of the clearest signs that it is time for you to become your own boss. If you are working in an organization presently and you can’t keep business ideas from coming into your head, then it is time for you to rethink your position at the organization. This is a sign that you are no longer comfortable with just being a drone and you are done taking orders from someone else. It can be very nice getting work experience while being an employee, but at some time in your life, it is time for you to take the next step and go into business yourself. Think about it this way. Your boss created the company you are currently working for because he had an idea. So maybe it is time for you to work on a couple ideas of your own and do your thing.

You Are Always Spotting Improvements

This is another clear sign that it is time for you to become your own boss. If you keep looking at products all day long and can constantly point out ways that the product should be better, then it is time to consider starting your own business. Entrepreneurs have the innate ability to look at a product or service and spot where it can be improved upon. If you have been experiencing this, it means that you have developed a skill that not many of us have. For example, if you are sitting in your office everyday and you look at the company’s operations and products, knowing how you can improve upon them if you had the chance, then maybe it is time for you to start your own thing.

Going To The Office Literally Sickens You

If everyday is starting to seem like a drag and you cant think of anything else but how annoying your current boss is, then it is time for you to become your own boss. One of the clearest signs of outgrowing a job is being irritated at having to work for someone else. If you cant stand the thought of working for someone else and wasting your energy on someone else’s ideas, it's time to step up.

The Pay Isn’t Worth It Anymore

When you start to look at your paycheck and think “I totally deserve more than this”, it is time to reconsider your situation. This is one of the greatest things that drove entrepreneurs to start their own businesses. At some point of getting that job, you must have thought the salary was amazing and it afforded you the chance to cover all your bills and buy all you want. However, since then you have gotten married, you have more bills to take care of and it just doesn’t seem to cut it anymore. If you are constantly having these feelings, then it may be about time.

You Know How Things Work And You Want More Control

If you already know what it takes to get the job done and completely understand the rudiments of the company you currently work for, it is very likely that you will want more control of operations. This is a natural thing for human beings, and it comes with growth. When you start to feel like you want more control of the business, it is time to...well, you get the point!

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Jess Wolodkowicz

Tradeshow Strategist | Account Manager

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Phone: +61 (02) 8093 3806

4 Reasons Why The Right Color Combination Will Be The Most Vital Step In Your Ad Campaign

Colors do and say more than you think. The effect of colors cannot be overemphasized when it comes to an advertising campaign. The most effective ad campaigns are those that effectively manage to capture the attention of the target audience and engage them long enough to explain a point to them. Have you ever wondered why blue is often used as the color for advertising bottled water? Or why the bottling companies that produce water use the same color on the bottles? This is because blue subliminally represents a cooling and soothing effect. If you are incredibly thirsty, there is very little chance that at first sight you will be reaching for the red colored bottle of water.

These brands have to sell their goods, so they even have to use colors to convince the consumers to buy goods. If you are not extremely thirsty but only slightly parched, there is a greater tendency for you to still buy a bottle of water simply because you saw the color blue in a refrigerator at a store. This then leads to the question of ‘Why is color so important when it comes to advertising campaigns?’

Studies show that colors are subliminally linked to human emotions. This makes it relatively easy to compel an individual to do what you want simply by showing them a color that provokes a certain emotion within them. If you want to advertise a luxury brand, using the color white is likely to get the attention of your audience because white subliminally speaks of solitude, cleanliness and an item that not many people can afford. With the discovery and creation of new colors, it has become even more possible for businesses to provoke consumer behavior through advertising campaigns.

Here are some reasons why you must use the right color combo for your next ad campaign...CONTINUE READING

Jess Wolodkowicz

Tradeshow Strategist | Account Manager

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Phone: +61 (02) 8093 3806

4 Reasons Why Increased Efficiency Will Lead To Increased Profits

Efficiency, in its most simplistic terms means using the same amount of resources to accomplish a lot more work. If you are a business owner, it is very important for you to look for ways to improve efficiency within the office. Each worker can achieve a lot more than they currently do if pushed a little and given the right mix of incentives. Increased efficiency is always great for business, and can transform your profit returns. Increased efficiency always leads to greater profits. This is because you are using fewer resources to achieve more goals. Implying that the business is incurring less costs. In this article we will be looking at 4 ways that increased efficiency around the office can lead to greater profits.

Here are some reasons why increased efficiency will lead to increased profits:

Reduced Costs

When a business is able to find more efficient methods of production or rendering services, it manages to reduce its cost of production. This is very important for entrepreneurs to understand. I find that the companies that experience low cost of production or rendering services are often the ones that have managed to get their staff operating at higher levels of efficiency. The phrase “getting more for less” comes into play strongly with issues relating to business efficiency. Every business owner should then be thinking about how to get the most efficient level of output for everyone within the organization...CONTINUE READING

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Jess Wolodkowicz

Tradeshow Strategist | Account Manager

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Phone: +61 (02) 8093 3806

What's All The Hype About Pokemon Go...And What The @$#! Is It Anyway?

First, I must admit: My business or I personally have nothing to do with "Pokemon Go", and I've not been compensated by the company in any way whatsoever. But after hearing all the stories about Pokemon, the massive hype, seeing my social media feeds filled with "Pokemon Go", I felt compelled to write what I've learnt about it so far. So here I go...

Remember the old Pokemon games you used to play on your Gameboy Advance? It was certainly one of the most addictive games at the time. If you aren’t a fan of the Pokemon game, you will most likely be irritated at the phrase ‘Pokemon Go’. Yes, this phrase has been used more often in the past week than any other phrase in human history (pardon my exaggeration). With all the rave and hype surrounding the phrase, it is best to understand what ‘Pokemon Go’ is in the first place, and then we will try to analyse why there is so much hype surrounding it. If you are just as tired of hearing about the Pokemon Go as I am, and you do not know what it means, this is the perfect article for you. Stick around; you don’t want to miss this!

So What The @$#! Is Pokemon Go After All?

Pokemon Go is the new and advanced Pokemon game that comes as a mobile application. This game is free to play and anyone can download it on an Android or iOS device. While playing the game, you have the option of using actual money or buying the currency within the game, which is known as PokeCoins. This currency is mostly used to purchase Pokeballs, which you will need to have if you want to capture a Pokemon while playing. If you do not want to spend any of your actual money, you have to earn game currency the hard way; by playing your way through it.

And What's All The Hype About Pokemon Go?

Now here’s where it gets interesting. The game makes use of your mobile device’s GPS system to track your real location while you are playing. This gives gamers the simulated reality of being in the video game. You get to customize your personality in the game, choosing your own form of clothing and team, (which is known as a faction within the game). You also get to choose a number of other interesting aspects about your character within the game. If you do not yet understand how the GPS functionality works, let me explain it a bit for you. Say for example you are walking to the mall; your mobile device can alert you that there is a virtual Pokemon within the region that can be captured. Amazing isn’t it?

This is the reason why people just can’t stop talking about this new game. Now people can simply whip out their mobile devices whenever they are walking around just to check if there is a Pokemon within the vicinity. This has been very embarrassing, as I have seen first hand a couple of my friends bring out their phones in excitement just because they want to catch Pokemon.

There is also the option of the Pokemon jumping right at you, giving you the chance to catch it with your Pokeball. If you capture a Pokemon, it is automatically added into your index, which is called your Pokedex (a form of database record system for the Pokemon you capture; yes, it is that serious). You can go on to personalize your Pokemon at your own time.

Gamers also have the option of going to the virtual gym within the game to make your Pokemon battle against other individuals, that are fellow gamers that have the game installed on their mobile device. The game doesn’t stop at just this. There are also Pokestops within the game, where you can obtain items that you need for your sojourn through the virtual reality world (I do realize I just used the word ‘sojourn’). The items you get from the Pokestops can improve your ability within the game. The amazing thing about the Pokemon Go is the amount of things you can do within the game, coupled with the social nature of the game, making it one mobile game that is sure to stick around for a very long time.

Why Does Everyone Seem To Be Playing Pokemon Go?

It is incredibly hard these days going five minutes on social media without seeing something about Pokemon Go. By now your Twitter and Facebook feed must be filled with news about this game. Even though it can be very draining on your cell battery and data, it is quite addictive. The major reason why there is so much buzz surrounding this game is the realistic and fun nature of the game. Unlike your Gameboy Advance where you are controlling the character through a virtual world, here you are the character and you catch the Pokemon all by yourself!

Pokemon Go is certainly one of the most addictive video games in recent times, and it doesn’t seem like relenting anytime soon. The realistic and social nature of the game makes it incredibly fun to play.

Originally Posted on Linkedin

Jess Wolodkowicz

Tradeshow Strategist | Account Manager

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Phone: +61 (02) 8093 3806

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

6 Killer Marketing Tactics That NO ONE Will Tell You About

Marketing can be very tough. Have you ever tried selling your product to an individual that simply doesn’t seem to be interested in your product? This is often because the potential client doesn’t have a need for your product. Aha! Did you notice the fault in the last sentence? If someone doesn’t seem to be interested in your product at all, then why still refer to him or her as a potential client? This is because every single individual is a potential client until you give up the sale. There are no rules to marketing. Marketing geniuses around the globe make millions of dollars because they have been able to harness a skill that not so many people have been able to develop. Not everyone can sell a product. That is why not everyone can call himself a marketer.

A business can never EVER survive on an idea or product alone. It needs these geniuses to sell the product, if not, it remains in the warehouse or in the head of the innovator. Now that we have established that marketing isn’t easy, how come the marketing geniuses seem to be experts at it. These guys can literally sell you water even if you have a glass of water in your hand already. Why then do you think they are so successful? In this article, I will be sharing with you some secrets about marketing that no one will tell you. This isn’t just another article that promises to teach you something that you already know. Working in the trade shows and exhibitions industry has put me on the front-line to monitor these marketing geniuses and I have identified 6 things that ALL of them do when they are selling a product. In this article, we'll call your "potential customer", your "prey". Stick around, this will change your life...CONTINUE READING.

Jess Wolodkowicz

Tradeshow Strategist | Account Manager

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