Sunday, July 10, 2016

5 Types Of Clients That You DON'T Want

It is very important for most businesses to get as many clients as they can. However, there are some clients that simply prove to be a thorn in the side of your business. Top companies boast about having a large client base and dealing with lots of consumers on a daily basis. While this is true, they often leave out the fact that they scrutinize their clients. The same way a consumer takes time to decide whether or not he or she wants to patronize a particular brand, is the same way a company should be selective about their clients. Some clients simply prove to be more harm than good for your business. It is therefore very essential to identify these clients and know how best to avoid them. In this article, we will be taking a look at 5 types of clients that you most definitely do not want for your business. In business, there are some clients that you are better off without. Identifying these clients will help you save a lot of time and money.

Time Wasters:

For every business, there is the potential of coming in contact with clients that are absolute time wasters. In business, time is money, and every second can be spent doing something more productive. The amount of success your business is going to achieve financially is largely dependent on how you spend your time. There are some clients that change their minds every single time you have a conversation with them. With every conversation, the client seems to have a new take on how you should provide solutions for them. This is the fastest way to waste time in business. All of this will make your business less productive. The less time you spend on clients that waste your time, the better for your business. It is therefore very important to identify these time wasters early, and avoid doing business with them.

Energy Drainers:

Some clients are experts at draining your energy and the energy of your staff. They may ask your company for consultations and act like they are interested in doing business, but they may just be seeking information or the thrill. When it comes to business, the entrepreneur’s energy is the most valuable asset he or she can have. Clients who simply refuse to communicate properly with you or are always uncooperative, are bad for business. This can drain your energy and that of your employees. It is therefore very essential to get rid of all the negativity that comes with energy drainers and focus on clients that are actually looking to work.

Clients Who Will Haggle Every Fee:

Some clients refuse to identify that there is a cost provoked process for arriving at prices. They will haggle every single price and fee with you. This is very bad for business and it is important to learn how to avoid these clients. Some clients may be trying to make things work with funds that are too low and simply impossible. Try to clearly identify such clients that are not truly willing to make a financial commitment and refuse to understand that value has a price attached to it, and that "you get what you pay for".

Clients That Are Afraid Of Commitment:

Some clients are experts at displaying a phobia for commitment. Even after scouting the market and conducting numerous feasibility studies, they would still be afraid of making a reasonable commitment. This kind of client must be avoided. While it is very important for a client to carefully scrutinize all their options, there must also be the willingness to make a choice. Some clients are simply not ready to make a choice. While there is nothing wrong with weighing your options and snooping around till you get the best deal, it is also important to understand that your business is spending a significant amount of money trying to woo a customer. Even if it is not financially exhausting, it will most definitely be time and energy exhausting. You must therefore identify this type of client and stay away from them.


Some clients will complain no matter the amount of good service you provide to them. While it is very important to give your clients the best and treat them preferentially, some clients will never understand how much time and effort it takes into providing them with a good product or service. These clients are not only bad in terms of cost; they also give your business a bad reputation.

Identifying and avoiding each of these types of clients will ensure your business runs smoothly, and does not incur losses trying to impress or satisfy these clients.

Originally Posted on Linkedin

Jess Wolodkowicz

Tradeshow Strategist | Account Manager

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